Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fur Sells

Everybody who knows me knows I am not into cute. Young rabits? Perfect in a stew with red cabbage and mashed potatoes! But this Samsung ad did even me go all Aaaaahhhwwww. 2349 ways to use this phone other than calling. It's no iPhone, but they made an effort! And I know for sure cute little fluffy furry things sell as good as sex.

1 comment:

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

Aww! The baby chicks were cute! I used to hug them when I was a little boy, and I used to hug them a little too hard.

The rabbits made me think,'Damn! Wilson Leather is going out of business! Where am I going to get my bunny-fur gloves now?'

I have some glue traps for those other vermin!