Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wake Up & Entertain Me!


Anonymous said...

Daan, This is a spectacular photo!!

daan said...

But why won't he wake up?
I am the only one awake in this house filled with lazy creatures.... for hours! On a sunday!

Anonymous said...

It's boring being awake alone, but it's sweet of you to let him sleep.

Eran Evan said...

Its only your problem - You've mistrained Him! if I
cant sleep or up early in the morning and Want company - Oded knows he has no other option but to be up coz my naggings, Smushings, jumping, Noisy dish washing can go on endlessly so he gives the fight up quite early and joins me.
On the other hand - if he needs my attention and i'm sleeping tightly, His battle is Pre-Lost.