Monday, September 27, 2010

Santiago Sierra - Los Penetrados

Spanish artist Santiago Sierra has a long history of creating controversial works and "Los Penetrados" is definitely no exception.

Sierra explains: "The traditional paranoia of white people towards black people or of Europeans towards Africans is linked to a strong phobia. We think that sooner or later we will have to pay for our past and present greedy misdeeds. But this white paranoia is also related to the size of the dick or to the fear of a sexuality that demeans us… behaviours of racial identity are very animal because we are animals". (via bumbumbum)

First act: 10 white race men penetrated 10 white race women.

Second act: 9 white race men penetrated 9 white race men.

Third act: 3 white race men penetrated 3 black race women.

Fourth act: 7 white race men penetrated 7 black race men.

Fifth act: 3 black race men penetrated 3 black race women.

Sixth act: 5 black race men penetrated 5 black race men.

Seventh act: 8 black race men penetrated 8 white race women.

Last act: 10 black race men penetrated 10 white race men.


ennalegov said...

OMG, we need to find a "code-word" to mention every time!!! you are posting a post I wanted to post as well!!!!!!! :-)

daan said...

Ofcourse you wanted to post this. Like I wanted to post the IKEA food photography! :)