Friday, October 1, 2010

Human Landscapes

For decades now, residential development has drastically affected parts of southwest Florida. Neighbourhoods were being built between the swamps and at the coast. Many of them never made it to completion. Partly due to the worldwide financial crisis, but also because of bad planning and overcrowding this region of the USA.'s The Big Picture collected these images from Google Maps to show the weird patterns and emptiness of these neighbourhoods. Fascinating!


Timmm said...

Very interesting. Looks like California City. It's very interesting to see it at Google maps, a small city, but a lot of roads around:,5.509644&sspn=3.386852,7.657471&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=California+City,+Kern+County,+Californi%C3%AB,+Verenigde+Staten&ll=35.090698,-117.84193&spn=0.071073,0.119648&t=h&z=13

daan said...

Yeah! That looks like these images as well... but way more stretched!