Friday 13th should be a badluck day. But yesterday was a very, very good day! I did some shopping and bought 2 very good new jeans, which is unique with my silly sizes (31/36). I also bought 2 poloshirts and Hard Candy on coloured vinyl.
Peter came home early, I surprised him with balloons and gave him his gift. I gave him a 45 minute flight over Arnhem. We had a glass of wine, got japanese take-away food with my sister and her lover and then we went downstairs to see the soccer-match in the pub.
Yes, you read that well. I watched the soccer-match! It was my second match in my life and it was really exciting. At the beginning I had trouble concentrating on the game. It felt like standing in front of a traffic light waiting to turn green and getting distracted after 3 seconds and people having to horn to get me driving (you don't have to understand).
"We" won against France and before I knew it I had to many beers and was in bed. Today I was awake early and we have family and friends over to celebrate the rest of Peter's birthday.