KAREN: Second. Anyway. We're done here, right? Because I'm meeting my sister Ginny for lunch, and I'm running late.
GRACE: Did you-- Did you just say sister?
KAREN: Yeah. I have lunch with Gin every Thursday. What's the big?
GRACE: Uh, maybe the fact that you have never mentioned that you have a sister?
KAREN: Mmm... Yeah, I think I have, Grace. Heh-heh. What do you think I'm talking about when I say, "Boy, do I love Gin"? Or, "I can't get through the day without Gin." Or, "That Gin gave me such a headache last night." I couldn't have been more clear. Sheesh. Next thing you know, you'll tell me you've never heard me mention my brother-in-law, Johnny Walker.[KAREN EXITS THE APARTMENT.]