The moment Sinterklaas left the country last week, a Tsunami of Christmas hit our country. And after a few days I was already fed up with it. What's up with this holiday? Why is it dominating the world? Dominating radio (I wanna kill Mariah soooo badly!), television, streets, shops, internet?
When I was a child I read a lot of children's books from Scandinavia. Christmas looked so beautiful in these books. Simple, Serene and Sober. I haven't recognized that triple S Christmas for a long time. It's all about luxury, buying stuff, flashing lights and extreme foods these days.
I'm not against materialism or consumerism, nor am I a negative person, but in the month December it all becomes waaaaay too much for me. That's why I decided to declare my blog a 99% Christmas-free zone this month. And that 1% that's left? I already know exactly how to fill in that one.