Tonnya's Tumbler made me question my identity last week with the picture above. Zephyr Motor Oil? That's so butch! Is that me? Am I butch? The dictionary told me the following:
zephyr /ˈzɛfər/ [zef-er]
1. a gentle, mild breeze.
2. Literary. the west wind.
3. any of various things of fine, light quality, as fabric, yarn, etc.
I chose my nickname Zephyr back in 1998, when Madonna's
Ray of Light was released and I took my first steps on the internet for real. Zephyr was the first word of that song and referred to the west wind. Later on I understood it was also the name of a train in the USA and since I love trains it felt pretty appropriate.

But Zephyr is so much more. A defunct Rollercoaster for instance. I can identify with Rollercoaster. Defunct? Not so much. And I'm afraid of clowns, so the picture below is not me. Waaaaay to close to the clown!

So am I a type of Ford then? Apparently "the last word in comfort". I'm comfortable with myself, but comfort is not really the word people would describe me by. Cute car though.

Or am I this painting by William Bouguereau called "Flora and Zephyr"? The nudity is pretty accurate, but I have no wings and I've never been this close by a naked woman.

Oh who am I kidding. I choose Zephyr as an online name 14 years ago but that name doesn't define who I am. Zephyr is just an alias.
I'm Daan. That's who I am! So you may call me Daan if you like. Shout Daan in the street and I probably turn my head. Write ZEPHYR in capitals and I also respond. You choose. I know who I am.