Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Other is a Treath

My Funny Valentine
Call me a-romantic, but I never understood Valentine's Day. It's for secret loves right? I don't have a secret love, my love is out in the open. So what I can do is secretly make a video of my love, pretending only to take a picture. The result is totally Peter! This clip shows exactly why I love him!
So to all the people who feel blue because of Valentine's Day; remember that it's just February 14th, don't get sad because other people declared this day to be filled with roses, boxes of chocolat and Hallmark cards.
And the musicin this video? Good choice if you want something to be a-romantic! I downloaded it for a little experiment which I never posted. I compiled a video of the crash into the WTC on 9/11 on double speed with this music, proving that this music even makes the worst scenes funny or tacky. It worked, but I didn't post it because it would get real bad reactions.
Friday, February 13, 2009
High Tech Fetish
