Since a couple of weeks Peter is hooked on playing The Sims 2 again. Last few days I see him sitting behind his pc all red and excited. He discovered a website where people have created hunky Sim-characters. Leaves me being alone with my cup of tea...
i like creating characters that look as close as possible to Oded & Me.
later - all the personal characteristics come along with me spending my time making food and studying cooking and him - washing dishes and fixing floods in the bath room...
I like making Ambrosia:) I love the colours when I eat it:) Haven't played it in a while. I mostly played it to build the most beautiful houses!;)
Oh yeah. i like using the cheat to bring my budget up to 200,000 simillions and go totally XL Bauhaus style homes
Hahahaha, same here! And then let them paint and play the guitar for days and night in a row to get the highest level;)
I work a lot with concrete and glass. And I love that spot high up the village at the big waterfall:)
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