Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake!

Found this really funny blog about cake-wrecks. A large collection of cakes going wrong, like this cute little Darth Vader cake or misprints like the one below.

It also contains images of cakes in brochures, like this beautiful one with rose-leaves...

... and the way people received it, like this sad mess of flowers below.

Luckily (but less entertaining) there are also some real beauties like this snow-cake which I really would buy to celebrate winter. Celebrating winter? Hell yeah, I will celebrate winter over christmas or valentine's day!


Anonymous said...

I love cake-wrecks

Roache said...

And I love the fact that I'm pissing myself with laughter on that site!

Anonymous said...

That blog makes me giggle every time. In 1996 I've decided to have a tea room with a couple of friends and I was the one who made the cakes.

Baby, I could tell you stories about cake wrecks that went wonderfully right. One of the most famous is tart tatin (google it): an accident that went just divine. I had an accident of a «death by chocolate» cake that was transformed in the finest Madama Butterfly Green Tea Pavé (my very own creation).

Oh.. O-cha tea room was consider the finest place to have tea and cake in Portugal and one of the 50 best in Europe.

Yes..I'm a vain proud queer. Here is the site:

Keep fabulous darlings.

daan said...

The Tarte Tatin is indeed the most famous cake-wreck in history.

That O Cha tearoom looks beautiful. Definately worth a visit next time I'm in Portugal!

Is it in Porto or Lissabon? The site looks great but isn't really user-friendly for non-portugese speaking people....

Anonymous said...

Love the girl's head on a cushion!
The winter cake is great; ANY occasion to eat cake is great!!!

BTW, Marie-Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake" when told the French people had no bread. It's a rumour, probably from one of the many thousands anti-monarchist pamphlets circulating at the time.

She was extravagant and a big spender, but quite intelligent and well aware of her unpopularity, as revealed in her letters to her mother (Austrian Empress Maria Theresa).

The real problem was she married a man who should not have been king, and did not want to anyway. Louis-Auguste, Duc de Berry, was indeed second in line as a pretendant to the throne, after his elder brother Louis, Duc de Bourgogne, who died at age 10.

The future king had been greatly neglected by his parents in favour of his elder. He became Dauphin at age 11, had to marry a 14 year old foreign girl whom he did not know at age 15, and assume a role for which his parents had not prepared him... The rest is History :)

Anonymous said...

I've been watching Cake Wrecks for quite some time now.. it's lolarious.
I especially lol'd at the baby's bum cake. Still makes me giggle :D