Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nirvana Starring DJ Mickey Friedmann

Here's the latest addition to the Exterface website. I normally really like their work, but this time it didn't do anything for me. Maybe it's the fact that I've all seen it before in other way better series they did. Or maybe it's the model, DJ Mickey Friedmann, who I really don't like looking at. His face is not attractive to me, his body too smooth and he has that "look-at-me-being-a-model-face" I really can't stand. I hope their next work is again fresh, new and surprising!

Chances are big though that some of you really like this, so check Exterface for the complete series.


Anonymous said...

I agree, the photos sure are great as usual, but I also had the feeling that I´ve seen them before

But most I agree with: HE´S WAY TOO SMOOTH, I prefer to have some hair to count on the chest, the legs, the arms...etc

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

He's gorgeous! He does kinda have the look that he knows he is gorgeous. And he has such beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

...and exactly this kind of arrogance is such a turn-off
by the way, he´s living in Berlin working at one of the opera-houses ... I´m gonna check him out in reality

daan said...

Take a paparazzi snapshot of him smiling Manuel.... smiling can make a boring guy look gorgeous:)

Anonymous said...

dear Daan, I doubt that his senseless face is able to smile...
I have a few clients in the pharmacy who have such a mindblowing expressive eyes & smile, I better take a shot of them :)