Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sam & Caravan

Got the most sweetest e-mail last night from one of my loyal readers and commenters Sam;

"I have been following your blog for a while now and I must say that I really love the content. You have managed to do something that is sexy, smart, and artistic all at the same time (the best mix if you ask me). Thanks a lot for posting amazing stuff, I look forward to your blog as a daily read with coffee or whatever and in following your links have found some interesting work online.

With that said, I notice that you are always putting these very streamlined caravans in your post, I think they are awesome. Well, I recently moved back to my hometown, which is in a small desert town in the U.S., to do some work. My parents own a large piece of land there and out on the back acreage is this old beat down caravan its been around since I was a little kid, I can still remember when it was actually functional, I don't know why my parents still have that beast out there.
When I saw that thing sitting out there I immediately thought of your blog and busted out laughing. I told my brother about it and showed him the slick pics of the uber cool caravans and being the jokers that we are he told me that I should send you some pictures of our nightmare trailer and ask you what you thought of it. ;) I am by no stretch of the imagination a photographer, but I took these photos in hopes that you would get a little laughter from it, that's me in the photos.

You may not be 50 years old yet but that just gives you several years to fix this baby up and make it streamlined. Just let me know where to send it. haha."

Thanks for this very sweet mail Sam, and I really, REALLY like this old barrel as much as I like those streamlined ones I posted earlier!


tyeti said...

Hey, the shell doesn't make the nut! It's the good inside that counts...
Thanks Sam! And thanks for sharing, Daan. Now I'm awfully envious of you. I NEVER get messages like this. (I know, I know, I can here you think from here....)

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

That was awfully sweet of Sam! I recall a camper like that from my youth. My grandparents had one for trips, and I got drug along for a few of them.