Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trip the Station #11

Can you guess what I am watching?


605 Forte by CPiteira said...

Hollywood- the Madonna video!

Push the button
Don't push the button
Trip the station
Change the channel

'Cause you're in Hollywood
'Cause you're in Hollywood
In Hollywood

605 Forte by CPiteira said...


ennalegov said...

makka pakka makka pakka makka pakka!!!!! :-)

daan said...

Yeah, I know Madonna looked incredibly like Makka Pakka in that beautiful video, but Enna is right, I am watching In The Night Garden and skipping to the good parts. Makka Pakka!

ennalegov said...

you are a sick sick 35 year old man..... but ohh don't I just love that about you :-)