Well, those were three marvelous days and nights! We had a great New Year's eve with so many sweet people. Eating, drinking, gaming, singing, shouting, drinking, laughing, sleeping and drinking. The next day we all gathered for a very late breakfast, waved goodbye to a few and then continued gaming, drinking, laughing, talking and drinking till late into the night.
Yesterday we woke up late, had a very late lunch again and then waved the rest goodbye. Just in time for our New Year's gathering with our neighbours. So then we started all over with the drinking, the eating, the talking and the laughing.
Now it's sunday morning and I am trying to regain my focus on the world again. My liver is still asleep... he gained some weight and I am afraid when he wakes up he will demand his own room in our house. I don't really have good resolutions for 2010, but for tonight I think I will leave my liver alone and give it some well needed rest!
wow... The past few days sound very intens (but you enjoyed them a lot which makes up for that). Best wishes for you!
And all the best to you too RP!
I feel surprisingly fresh again:)
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