Thursday, September 16, 2010

Human Pac-Man

PAC-MAN was played by real human-beings sitting in a cinema: it’s the 5th video performance of the GAME OVER Project from the French-Swiss artist Guillaume Reymond. This stop-motion video was shot and played for the new ProHelvetia’s programme GameCulture at the Trafo cinema (Baden, Switzerland) on August 28th 2010. Imagine 111 human pixels that moved from seat to seat during more than 4 hours (source: swissmiss).


ennalegov said...

Daan!!!!!! Really, it has to stop!!!!!! :-) Argh

daan said...

But sweet sister of mine! We both like cool things and this was recently released, so it's pretty normal we both place these cool things! X

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!