Sunday, November 27, 2011


Two weeks ago I reached Level 40 in my Smurf's Village. My Smurfs smurfed their asses off gaining XP for over a year and Level 40 felt like a milestone. Closer to Level 42, since that would be just funny for smurfing my Smurfs Lessons in Love.

But hey! After I reached level 40, XP didn't matter anymore! Level 40 is the MAX! What the smurf??? It ends?

No, it didn't end, because today I finished some new quests and I gained about 20% more land. Which I filled up already ofcourse. But this made me realize there might be some smurfy update soon which will have my village moving levels up again. I really hope so. And yes, I'm really 37 years old.


Isidro said...

Oh God! Congrats! I just reached 30 and it felt like a big accomplishment.

daan said...

I really hope we can move on when you reach level 40 Isidro... all I plant now is Golden Potatoes, since I don't have to gain XP... my Smurfs feel so useless.

Isidro said...

Congratulations!!! I just reached 30 and it felt like a big accomplishment.