Wednesday, December 21, 2011

They Did It!

When you think of cannibalism you'd probably think of tribes in the depths of the rainforests. Think again! Dutch tv-presentors Dennis and Valerio ate each other tonight. Ofcourse they got a lot of media attention in the last couple of weeks after they announced this idea, but tonight was the night and it was a very nice episode of Proefkonijnen (Guinea Pigs).

The only thing that bothered me was the fact that they didn't really do anything with the meat. No herbs, no salt, no pepper. On the other hand, they wanted the meat to be pure, so they could answer the question "What does human meat taste like?" Next time, have a nice Chianti with it boys!


J@v@JuNKo said...

Thank gaaaawd we don't taste like bacon!

daan said...

"We" did actually....