Sunday, June 24, 2012

The - not so - Lonely Goater

So how did you spend your Saturday this weekend? Here we dressed up in goater costumes and celebrated the fact that Peter's parents have been married for 50 years. In these 50 years they produced three children and those three children partnered up and produced five girls of their own. These five girls started partnering up as well, so that makes a family of 17. Oh wait, one partner had another daughter from a previous relationship,. so that makes 18.

Eighteen people in a backyard. In Tyrolean clothing. Singing a song. I would have never thought I would be one of them, but I was. Without much resistance, I have to admit. Here's Peter, in a rollercoaster of emotions. On the fence he used every day in his childhood.


ennalegov said...

Beautiful! And where is the picture of you in your hotpants???!!!

daan said...

Mine are probably all over Facebook. Elsa was there as well :)

ennalegov said...

Not a single one! You are save :-)