Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hail Hail!

Just as we were leaving for the park the sky broke loose with a hailstorm from hell. Luckily we had our swiss/german/persian friend Parand over with his camera in his pocket and he made some great pictures of it. Hailstones as big as pingpong balls and us sheltering in the nightshop (in the middle of the day).

At home we found our garden destroyed and filles with those big hailstones. And the worst part is that we now have six windows broken.
As soon as it started it was over and the sky opened up again to be bright and blue. One our later we were sitting at the Rhine river at a turkish restaurant between the torn down trees. What a nice sunday! I hope Parand doesn't think all of our sundays are like this.


Anonymous said...

There was'nt hail where I was today, but I rode a rollercoaster when it rained very very hard and somehow it was a sort of kick.

AschwinFrank said...

There was'nt hail where we was today in DEN BOSCH. It was dry!

daan said...

It was very local indeed. Loved to be part of this extreme hailstorm and glad we have great insurance.