Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome Back Beard

Whoohoo! I can finally look into the mirror again and not see a babyface! One and a half week after shaving my beard is coming back again. Shaved my head today for extra contrast and feel happy again!


Donnie said...

Woof! Slurp.

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

So very handsome!

And only a week?

Yvonne said...

And boy, are you a looker or what! Om nom nom!

Eran Evan said...

like with yours - it happens the same with oded's...If I'm lucky, he shaves once a week, with a regular hair cutting machine so it leaves tiny bristles and it makes him look so different & Sexy. each time he shaves and we get intimate (...) I tell him It feel that once a week I cheat on him with a new handsome guy...

daan said...

Dude! You get intimate with a guy??? You're such a homo! ;)))))