One of the most significant items in the ever growing IKEA catalogue celebrates its 30th birthday. The BILLY bookshelves were introduced in 1979 and are still one of the big sellers. I myself don't have a BILLY. I love IKEA, as you might or might not know, but BILLY is not a practical way to store big books on art or photography. BILLY just isn't deep enough, so I still go with BONDE. Anyway, happy birthday BILLY and I will definately buy your Birthday-Book!

The cover already looks good.
Every icon deserves a beautiful designed book:)
I agree. Billy just doesn't work for serious book collectors..especially when you double (or triple) stack. I love love love all my IKEA furniture even if it was a bitch to assemble.
I do have Billy, 4 of them. I plan on filling up my entire wall with them!
Yes! I remember that well! I love a well stuffed wall with well stuffed Billys!
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