Hello and welcome to probably one of the most talked about photos from my youth. I was about 3 years old, it was Carnival and my best friend and I were dressed up for kindergarten. He was dressed by his parents as a farmer and my parents*) decided to dress me up as Little Red Riding Hood. He now has 4 sons and I have... errr... two cats. On the other hand; he got divorced and I am still VERY happy with the best man in the world. I wish more parents would dress up their sons as female fairytale characters!
*) My parents and I still are not sure who decided to dress me up like that. Maybe it was my choice, I've always been fascinated by fairytales and named my woolen caterpillar Wolf. Whomever made this decision, I am thankfull for that and see it as the cause of my homosexuality. Would I have chosen "straight" if there was a choice to be made? Definately not!
Well - this costume thing is a rite of passage.
when I was 5 years old, my mom made me a costume of Schtroumpf Coquet. I spent a whole day going around with a pink flower in my hat and an orange comb in my hand :-)
we keep jokingly blaming her for my gayness.
So, did Peter become your wolf, or your lovely hunter? ;-)
He's the lovely wolf! He ate me, he had the whole me inside of him and then that bad hunter came buy and seperated us and filled his stomach with stones. So after I dealt with gran (put her in a home) I shot the hunter and now Peter the wolf and I are living happily together in gran's wooden cabin in the woods. The end.
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