Thursday, February 10, 2011


Unlike Jimmy Ienner, President of Millenium Records back in 1981, I DO like Love On The Run. A lot! It's one of my favourite "early Madonna songs". Have a listen and decide who's right. Me or this Mr. Ienner guy. Would you have hired Madonna back then?


paulo cesar tavares said...

i do agree with him when he says "strong artist". guess he meant she was no worthy of a song that could be better sang by cyndi lauper, debbie gibson or toni basil. sorry, this hit is so not madonna...

daan said...

It's not even a hit ;)

J@v@JuNKo said...

Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy Jimmy!! I bet every so often he kicked himself when he realized who he passed up afterwards. Wah for him, but for the better otherwise we wouldn't have the Madonna we have today!