Monday, August 1, 2011

Groningen 2.0

Here are some more pics from my days in Groningen last week. Yeah, me being the supercool uncle again, as captured by my sister! Also some very romantic uncle/niece running in the water pictures. It's great to be a gay uncle to girls; you can run around with them with all the romance you can give!

Oh and this is something really unique! Me doing sports (this one is called tennis I believe). Captured by my nieces while I was running around after balls flying all over the place. Yeah, apart from that annual skitrip, I don't do sports. It's very unhealthy. So I smoke. And drink. And watch porn. Instead.


Writer said...

Maybe you should try badmitton instead. The lil birdie falls slower to the ground than the tennis ball. Also hurts less when you get hit. ;)

Great pictures! :D

J@v@JuNKo said...

the things Uncles will do. I hope you made up for it later with a bottle of red later...

Tassendief said...

I feel love!