Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Tune to Name

This is not an official Name That Tune, but yesterday during our walk I noticed this still life under our bridge. Can you guess what Red Hot Chili Peppers song came to mind immediately? And because I found it under a bridge doesn't mean Under The Bridge is the correct answer.


J@v@JuNKo said...

hmmmmm.... Death of a Martian?

daan said...

Excellent suggestion! Not the one in my head, but that one works as well! :)

Lud said...

Throw away your television?

daan said...

Yes! That's the one Lud! Great song, so no problem to have in my head.

Lud said...

With part of your blog name on the same album if I am correct ;-)

daan said...

True! And still my blog is older than that song :)