"You Want a Piece of Me?". Famous words by pop sensation Britney Spears. But also famous words when Amsterdam demolished a piece of her city and gave it to my hometown Arnhem. Last winter this little piece of Amsterdam was rebuilt in the National Open Air Museum here in Arnhem. This Sunday we went to see it with our own four eyes. The outside looks great, inside some work needs to be done in my opinion. It's all a little bit too clean and modern. But again, a nice addition to this incredibly good museum!

What a wonderful idea for a museum! I looked at the website and was very intrigued! Whoever came up with the idea, and everyone who supported it, deserve a big round of applause.
They got a big round of applause 2 years ago when they were voted "Best Dutch Museum". Well deserved indeed! It's a beautiful collection on a beautiful location.
I can recommend this museum to every tourist!
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