Came across this panoramic picture of the quarter we live in. These three buildings are all in a different style and built in different periods, but they look very lovely next to each other. Can you guess which one is ours?
(oh and another thing to be a little bit proud of; our windows are featured on the newest "Greetings from Arnhem" cards!)
Is the one with the biggest window? ...
Did I get it right?
if it's one of these first ones, than it's the grey one. this one on the right. :)
I would guess the middle one, because the other windows seem pretty plain in comparison.
its the one on the right? right?
I know :-P
I know you know... and you're the only one so far who knows:)
According to the fact that your windows are on a greetings-card, you probably live above the 'Musis Kwartier'?
I'm guessing, the left building?
It's indeed the house on the left. And as rp said, the entrance to the "Musiskwartier", a relatively new shopping area in Arnhem. The shopping part really failed in my opinion, they really should have included some new and more exclusive shops. But the houses above the shops really worked out very fine!
I guessed the left one because I remembered seeing the building in the middle from your window in a picture you showed here... I love how your appartement is situated by the way.
I'm Proud of myself for guessing correctly - but my clues we're to look for appartments without heavy curtaining (due to your posts on the sun "washing" your room at noon)and that was my guess too. it the upper floor or the one above the shop?
The upper two floors. Oddly shaped living room and kitchen on one floor, then stairs up and two bedrooms and a bathroom.
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