Monday, November 29, 2010

Erwin Olaf for DeLaMar

Yesterday Amsterdam got itself a brand new theatre. The famous "DeLaMar" Theatre closed five years ago, because the local government couldn't afford it anymore. Luckily there was a big theatre producer who you may have heard of. Joop van de Ende, one of the people who gave the world Big Brother, invested money in this theatre and rebuilt it in a fantastic way.

Behind that beautiful facade is a modern theatre that still has the atmosphere of the old days. Joop's wife, Janine van de Ende created the interior and she worked with famous dutch photographers. One of them being Erwin Olaf, who did these beautiful big photos you see below. They all represent famous theatrical plays and they all feature some of the best actors and comedians of our country. Stunning! Have a look at DeLaMar here. All images by Erwin Olaf/DeLaMar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i enjoy exactly how you receive your level throughout.