Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lies! All Lies!

When I was a boy, I really believed that when I start digging a hole and continued digging down I eventually would end up in China. That's what my parents told me and that's what my teachers told me. But now, with the Antipodes Map I discovered I wouldn't end up in China, but I would be drowning in the Pacific Ocean South-East of New Zealand! They all lied to me!

So what else did they lie about? Doesn't the sun turn off when it hits the sea at sunset? Don't babies grow out of sunflowers? Is Sinterklaas really a made-up person? Don't your hands grow out of your grave when you hit your parents? It's so confusing! Well, at least I now know not to start digging.


Naomi said...

Oh no!!!

EMikeGarcia said...

Love this! If I dug a hole, I'd be drowning in the Indian Ocean, just a bit east of South Africa, by the way.