Sunday, March 21, 2010


Today we finally went to the Maarten Baas exhibition in 's-Hertogenbosch. Held in the very small Stedelijk Museum, there was one big room filled with his furniture, ceramics and ofcourse, his famous clocks. It's hard to stop watching his clocks. His most famous one (as well as the most expensive one) looks like a big old classic clock but totally different. It's like a person inside the clock is living there and changing the time by erasing and re-drawing. Absolutely amazing!

Besides the work of Maarten Baas, we were really captured by the sculptures and paintings by Pim Palsgraaf. His sculptures are made of bits and pieces from miniature houses, combined with little trees and in some cases stuffed animals. He calls them Multiscapes.

His paintings reminded me a bit of the work I did about 4 years ago. And once again Peter urged me to start painting again. I will! I promise! I miss it as well! I really loved these dripping cityscapes.


rp said...

Specifically that clock I recently saw at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam! I was waiting for someone to go to the bathroom and kept watchting it the whole time.
The pieces of the other one look very cool btw.

daan said...

Funny you mention that clock in the Rijksmuseum. Last fall I was there and it caught me as well... and I wasn't even waiting for someone to go to the bathroom. I sat there for almost an hour, just watching that clock.

J@v@JuNKo said...

That clock is one of the most amazing pieces I've seen!! Something so simple yet so interesting to watch! They need to mass produce it on a cheaper scale so i can have one!!!!