Monday, November 3, 2008

I Survived the J-Man!

Speaking of turning 34. Jesus only made it to the age of 33. So now I am older than Jesus ever was. Okay, he was leader of a major religion when he was my age, but hey, I got my blog full of naked men and stuff about gay-culture.... that's important as well.... isn't it? No? Oh, okay.... sorry.


Vonniej said...

Yay! Congrats on your birthday, although I am actually late. I didn't want to do it on TP, since I wasn't sure if you would read it.

Oh, and by the way: my blog is active again :) should you feel the sudden urge for some pink ;)

daan said...

Thanks Yvonne!

I did read my messges on TP, I even responded, which is really rare for me (except when Arco gets fat).

Which gay man doesn't like pink? (Okay, maybe that ex-gothic of yours....). I love pink and will definately become a regular!

Anonymous said...

I've written even less on TP, so that is why o wrote the late congrats-message here too... By the way, TP is the place where I got your blog from (just for your interest).

daan said...

@rp: no worries for being too late. Vacations are always a very good excuse not to be online.

But now you made me curious... who are you at tp?