Saturday, January 3, 2009


After uploading that little movie of Komet & Kiamo I realized who they reminded me of. They reminded me of ME! This is a classic shot of me at age 1 or something just after I pulled out all the books off the shelves. My sister has this picture in her house and was kind enough to send it to me. Thanks!


ennalegov said...

My dear brother
you were the most beautiful kid i have ever seen. And still you have the looks!
Love love love
your sister

daan said...

I must say that I agree. I still have some of the looks I had 33 years back...

Roache said...

My god, get a room you two!

Captain Harlock said...

Hi Daan
I wich you an Happy New year for 2009 and many sexy and funny post.

Donnie said...

...and still just as adorable after all these years!

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

Awww! What a darling little boy you were.

kevin said...

5 days into 2009 and I have not posted Zac Efron post. In this picture you are so way more adorable!

Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

Your mouth is still exactly the same, lol.
You were überadorable! (still are ;))